Monday, February 11, 2008

it's all about the frizzy hair & the frozen toes . . .

" ladies (and dare i say, gentlemen?), it was the most blissful, amazing feeling ever. that feeling of contentment and happiness, that nothing can possibly go wrong ... that even though it's a cold april night and you're wearing flipflops and there are no stars in the sky and you just know a thunderstorm is brewing and your hair will end up like a ratty mess ... you just know everything is right with the world because you're in the arms of the man who loves you despite the frizzy hair and frozen toes . . . "

written almost two years ago. it feels like forever has passed but in reality it's only been twenty-four months, not even. that, above, that was love. in all it's toe-curling, ecstatic glory, that was incredible love. and i (yes, moi!), was lucky enough to experience it.

A wonders how it is i managed to keep myself from going back to being bitter, ole me. the girlfriend who bashed men on a regular basis, the cynic friend who could always be counted on for a biting remark, a bitter retort when it came to love. how was it that, even after the breakup and breakdown of my first real-honest-to-goodness-first-love/true-love relationship, i somehow retained my new perspective of love? A, i believe, expected me to revert back to my man hating self. but, i mean, how could i have possibly gone back to being that person?

S showed me that real love existed, the kind i wouldn't have questioned even after it was over. the kind of real love that when you finally get past the bitterness of how things ended, you tend to look back and say, "okay, now i get it." and now you learn something from it and move on.

so, that was for S, because he really would have loved me despite my frozen toes. my frizzy hair on the other hand, he much preferred me with straight hair. hey, i was in the throes of endorphin-filled love, maybe not so much the frizzy hair but you can't win them all, now can you?

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