Sunday, February 17, 2008

cast of characters . . .

"A true friend is someone who thinks you're a good egg even though you're slightly cracked!"

A - soul mate extraordinaire
HM - the boyfriend i will always have, damn you for making me the other woman! =P
X - ::groans:: former wild child, now, hottie mami!
T - my freak sistah. we are finding our way back to each other again.
KC - if HM is to be counted on for cracking a joke at the expense of my love life, KC is to be counted on for tequila and chocolate cake. :: slobber::
LS - your accent make my knees weak, the way you say my name make me melt, the way you laugh make me sigh and shudder and sit on the nearest anything to keep myself from falling over.
S&R - ever since i knew S, there was always R, one is never thought of without the other

A & i luv giving boys in our lives code names, coz we look at them as kind of like, ummm, puppies! puppies that may potentially get taken away at any given time, so beware and DO NOT get attached. and the first step to getting attached is giving them a name. we call them "the boy" first, until we come up with an appropriate pet name (heh!). when we feel it's safe to be attached (meaning, they didn't send the jerk signals going crazy!) then it is now okay to proceed with using their name-names.

there was Mormon Boy, Altar Boy, Mr. Fish, slimjim, Lawyer Dude, Doctor Guy, The Boy, The Ex, San Diego Boy, Quatog, Polish Guy, The A$$hole, The Jerk, and many more.


it's good to have great friends.

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