Sunday, February 17, 2008

give me a reason to fall inlove . . .

"love comes to those who still hope although they've been disappointed; to those who still believe, although they've been betrayed; to those who still love although they've been hurt."

whoohooo! Valentines Day wasn't the wash out i was afraid it was going to be, and damn me, life just keeps surprising me.

my argument for celebrating Valentines Day:

a."it's a hallmark manufactured holiday" -- when you really get into the holiday, even the cheesiness of a red heart with glitter and all sorts of frilly frou-frou stuff, it's quite fun. the card doesn't have to be expensive, it doesn't even have to come from hallmark, homemade cards speak more to a woman's heart than something generic and was bought for $3.00 at target. yes, hallmark perpetuates the big to-do over valentines day, but as a strong person of conviction, i'm sure you're able to look past the hallmark hoopla and decide for yourself that it won't kill you to take an hour of your precious time to sit down and cut paper into a heart, color it red and write "i love you."

b. "everyday is valentines day for us" -- that's just it! everyday is not special, everyday is not extraordinary. if everyday is valentines day for the two of you (which i doubt, very much!) then you definitely need to take that one day out of the whole year to break the monotony of your everyday life.

c. "i'm piss poor and valentines day is too expensive!" -- no one is saying you run out and book dinner at the most expensive place, it's about doing something you, as a couple, don't normally do. if she's the one who makes dinner on a regular basis, can it hurt if you surprise her with dinner on the table when she gets home from work? a little romance like dinner by candlelight, homemade card, it's the simple things in life that really matter. or, make your own coupon thinggies! guys will like that. one coupon for a massage, redeemable only if you had a really, really bad day at work.

i agree that valentines day should not only be celebrated on one day out of the year, unfortunately for us, it is. we live in a world that is so full of hate and anger and sadness, that if it means having one day out of the year, to take a break from all of this and remind ourselves to love and care and respect each other, then so be it. i'm not going to ruin it by scoffing at the idea of love, even if it is just for one day. i refuse to be a cynic, there are too many of those around already.

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