Saturday, May 10, 2008

in the interest of full disclosure . . .

i was thinking about this earlier, kinda like "buyer beware" tyoe of thing . . . c'est moi.

1. i will at some point probably make you cry. whether in frustration, overwhelming anger, sadness, or love, know this, i will make you cry.

2. i've been called stubborn, pig-headed, mulish at times, definitely hardheaded and will most likely want things to go the way i want.

3. and when things DON'T go the way I want them to, i will make you suffer.

4. i don't share my bed. i've never been able to sleep in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex and actually have a good night's rest. at least without the help of some sleeping medication.

5. i grind my teeth.

6. my feet are perpetually cold.

7. i steal the covers.

8. i don't like air conditioning. in fact, i detest it, give me an open window in the summer time, a ceiling fan, and i'm good.

9. i will bring you home to meet my family, a half dozen aunts and uncles who aren't really my aunts and uncles, and then my mother will proceed to fatten you up with dishes you can't A. pronounce, B. differentiate (they all seem to have either red or brown sauce), C. digest, D. for the life of you understand why people would enjoy eating them.

10. my friends, God love them all, will probably dislike you from the very beginning until you prove to them you won't: A. hurt me (until i hurt you first), B. make me cry (until i make you cry first), C. cheat, D. lie, E. prove you're an all around perfect boy for me.

11. my sisters won't talk to you when you first meet them, they'll look at you, smile hesitantly and run away. you may think you're off the hook coz it's not like they interviewed you, BUT, i will still find them later on and badger them to find out what they truly think of you and based on that i will see how far i want to take "us."

12. when we fight (rest assured, we will), i will hang up on you and it is your duty to call me back. BUT, not immediately, BUT, not the next day. it has to be within the hour, but not any sooner than half an hour later. coz that's usually when i've made the rounds calling my friends, irritated and mad and they've listened to me and heard me vent and proceeded to tell me i'm an idiot.

13. you must always apologize. even if it's my fault. i'm not good at apologizing but when you open the door to apologizing, it usually comes out of me and i'm properly apologetic.

14. i will debate you from sun up to sun down, i will mock your stance on EVERYTHING if they differ from my beliefs.

15. i will constantly change my mind. about EVERYTHING.

16. i will feel blue, i will feel sad, i will want to cry and when i tell you that i feel blue, sad and want to cry and you want to know what you can do to help i will say nothing. because, it's the truth, there's nothing you can do. i'm a girl. shit happens.

17. said shit usually happens once a month, for the duration of the whole week. when there's nothing right you can do, when there's nothing right you can say and i will probably look at you and say i hate you.

18. i am posessive more than i am jealous. although i don't know the big difference between the two, i just know i'm one and not the other.


“I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me; love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of, love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you.”

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